Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 (407) 544-6592

Insulation Service Options for Eco-Friendly Insulation in Your Tiny Home

Alternatives to Traditional Insulation That Are Environmentally Friendly for Your Tiny Home

Making your tiny house warm and livable depends on how well you insulate it. For eco-conscious builders who want to insulate their tiny homes, fortunately, there are some green choices available. And while one advantage of building a tiny house is the lower cost of using non-traditional materials, the majority of these possibilities are unlikely to break your budget, according to insulation service experts. For your tiny home construction project, here are a few eco-friendly insulating solutions.

Sheep’s Wool Insulation

Sheep’s wool is frequently promoted as being eco-friendly and has an R-value comparable to fiberglass. However, it costs two to three times as much as fiberglass, making it more expensive than alternative insulating options. She also cautions consumers who are thinking about using sheep’s wool as an environmentally friendly insulation alternative to be aware of any additions to the product.

Denim or Cotton Insulation

Denim and cotton insulation, which is touted as an eco-friendly alternative to mineral wool and is around the same price, are also sold as such. Mostly recycled and salvaged clothing, including blue jeans, is used to make the material. Denim batts do, however, score slightly higher than mineral wool in terms of their contribution to global warming.

Mineral Wool Insulation

Another option that’s frequently promoted as environmentally friendly is mineral wool. The majority of building supply retailers also have it in stock. It is installed in batts similar to fiberglass and is made of volcanic rock that has been spun into fibers; therefore, respiratory protection is essential if you plan to conduct the installation yourself.

Polyisocyanurate Insulation

Polyisocyanurate panels are a stiff insulation alternative that is environmentally benign. Many like them since they are simple to install and have a high R-value, which can reach R-21 in a 2×4 wall at times. Despite being formed of foam, it has a grade for its ability to contribute to global warming that is lower than mineral wool.

For highly recommended and world-class insulation service in Altamonte Springs, FL, turn to Bro Tech Insulation LLC and contact our experts at (407) 544-6592 today!

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